Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life in Spain, Day Birthday

So, if you didn't get it from the title, today is my Birthday. Ordinarily this would be a cause of celebration on epic proportions, unfortunately though I am not in the UK... I am in Spain.

Today will be a very small update because there is not much to be said. Last night was very uneventful, we did not join the gym because they need bank details that we did not have, the join date has been rescheduled for Friday... I am skeptical about this happening.

Tonight is more Spanish classes, from a German teacher (odd I know). I do want to learn Spanish, although struggling with the alphabet does make me feel a little bit stupid... at least... this is more Spanish. (lol Diego reading this?).

Tomorrow is the work party, I will look forward to the point of when I have had just enough alcohol to yell out "Thanks for throwing me this birthday party guys, here's to me" and seeing what happens.

Do not expect updates tomorrow, and possibly not on Saturday. Rest assured there will be updates by Sunday evening because by Monday I will not remember what happened.

No stats for today, I was /resting.

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