Sunday, February 1, 2009

Life in Spain, day 3

First of all, the answer to what you're all thinking is I don't know. I have no idea what happened to day 2 but am I fairly certain that this is day 3 because my PC is telling me it's Sunday.

So, after an eventful weekend I have learned a few more things which helped me to mature as a human being and understand Spain a little bit better;

1. If you're going to get cash out, make sure there are no drug addicts standing around.
- It turns out, drug addicts are not very well paid and to supplement this they try to take your money instead. Fortunately, they do not have enough money to afford any kind of weapon so fending them off is not particularly difficult.

2. Learning Spanish is easy for everyone except me. Apparantly Spanish is a doddle except there is no logic to the language at all, meaning you have to learn every single word/phrase individually, this can be quite time consuming.

3. Do not answer MSN from someone you work with when it is the weekend. I think this is fairly obvious why.

4. When the Spanish say the floor is wet, you better take them seriously. I saw the sign, I chose to ignore it, and now my ass is paying the price. (Pictures available upon request)

5. Beware of French people that can speak German. There is more of them than you'd think.

6. If Spanish people get in your way, shoving them very hard is normally a good way to make them move. Before you try this trick I suggest you double check they are infact Spanish.

So, +6 points to wisdom in Spain, if this keeps up I will soon be so knowledgeable I could start a gang and make everyone call me Cue ball.

Obviously this news update will not mean much of anything to anyone and since I do not have the patience to explain these events fully, I have decided to post a few pictures instead. Enjoy.

Ok, so this is a picture of temple bar, famous for fat frogs, girls being annoying when you're trying to drink and porn.

I'm not sure what is happening but it looks like someone asked us for directions and we're a little confused.

Yes, I am answering the call I got on my beer bottle, yes, she is talking into a straw. This is normal in Spain.

If you don't understand this, you don't deserve an explanation.

This is the warmup drink.

This is a Spanish bar which is very well hidden. No singing allowed.