Friday, January 30, 2009

Life in Spain: Day 1

Ok, so day 1 is a bit misleading, what I actually should have put is Day 1... after 6 months of living here. I guess that makes it more like day 181 but who cares, it's my blog and this entitles me to write what I want however random and untrue (expect lots of this).

In my 6 months living in Spain I have discovered two things;

1. Living in Spain is nothing like being on holiday in Spain, for one thing there are much less German people (although I have found one) and Spanish people do not speak any English at all. The last point is actually untrue as most of them speak it, they just refuse to do so on principles.

2. If you pretend to understand what is being said and just agree to everything, it never ends well.

So, now that I have shared my wisdom and knowledge of Spain there is nothing much left to do but talk about my experiences. As I am at work and thus, should be working, I will not share these now but instead wait until some interesting event happens which lets me type "This reminds me of the time..." because not only will this look super cool, it will also allow me to get on with some work now and hopefully, not be fired.

Watch this space, fantastic things are about to happen.